新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 跟我学英文:英语中常见的近义词辨析

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/08 14:11  江门日报

  1. in class,in the class

  in class指在课上,例如:

  She is in class now. (她正在上课。)

  in the class指在班级里,例如:

  He is the best student in the class.

  2.on fire,on the fire

  on the fire指在火上,例如:

  Put the food on the fire.(把事物放在火上。)

  on fire指着火,例如:

  The house is on fire. (这房子着火了。)

  3.out of question,out of the question

  out of question指毫无疑问的,out of the question指不可能的。

  4.a second,the second

  a second指又一、再一,例如:

  She published her first book last year,and has now written a second.(她去年出版了第一本书,现在写了第二本。)

  the second指第二个人或物,例如:

  I was the first to arrive,and she was the second.(我是第一个到,她是第二个。)

  5.the people,a people

  the people指人,a people指民族 例如:

  The Chinese is a peace-loving people.(中国是一个热爱和平的民族。)




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