I’m going to the laundry

http://www.sina.com.cn   2006年10月31日 21:40   英语周报大学版

  As I waited for the elevator in my dormitory at university, I glanced at a classmate standing beside me. He wore a brown tweed jacket, his bathing suit, and nothing else. Beside him lay a bulging duffel bag.

  “Eddie, ” I said, “What on earth are you doing ?”

  “Laundry.” He said with a sigh.


  我在大学宿舍里等电梯时, 向站在旁边的一个同班同学扫了一眼。 他穿着棕色的呢夹克, 里面穿着游泳衣, 再没有别的什么了。旁边放着一只鼓得满满的行李袋。

  “埃迪,”我说, “你究竟要做什么?”




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