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On a wing and a prayer
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/07 18:30  英语周报大学版


On a wing and a prayer

—a conversation between two students

  By Geoff Lemon

  Xiao Li: Hi Wang. How have you been man? It’s been a long time... you are looking overworked!

  Wang: Good to see you Xiao Li. Well, I am quite tired. I’ve been spending all of my time in the library researching my subject paper — I have an exam next week. How about you? You look like you are having your own share of late nights!

  Xiao Li:Well, that is something I’m kind of embarrassed about.

  Wang: Why, have you found a hot new lover???

  Xiao Li:Oh, no, I wish! No, the truth is... I have let my studies slide. I can’t help it: I have become what you might call a computer games addict!

  Wang: An Addict? Really? Wang, that does not sound at all like the guy I went to school with. You were so smart — you have great talent.

  Xiao Li:Maybe, but I find I have a craving for computer games. I have become completely hooked up with gaming and it is nothing for me to play for hours on end. I get completely absorbed because I always want to win.

  Wang: Wow, that’s amazing. But what do your parents think about it?

  Xiao Li: Actually they don’tknow. It’s a problem for me. They have put me to school and I have nothing to show for it. I feelbad because I will be a great disappointment to them.

  Wang: Can’t you just leave the games alone and resume your studies?

  Xiao Li:I think that I have missed too much work to obtain a passthis year. It’s been a total waste.

  Wang: But what is the appeal in gaming?

  Xiao Li:Wang, you know that I was always very good with the computer. It turns out that I have keen observation and very good hand/eye coordination. Plus, I understand these games inside out. I can beat just about anybody.

  Wang: You know, I think that there may be a way out of this for you?

  Xiao Li:What do you mean? How can there be — I’m a complete loser!

  Wang: No, you’re not. You just have to learn how to put your powers to best advantage.

  Xiao Li:What do you have in mind?

  Wang: Did you see the advert for the Online Games University?

  Xiao Li:Are you kidding?

  Wang: No! There is actually money to be made playing Online Games at the “elite” level. You play against gamers from all over the world and there are big prizes and highly paid contracts with the sponsors.

  Xiao Li:Wow. I never thought it could make money.

  Wang: Sure. If you really think you know games so well you could even try to design a game. Either you do it yourself and sell the idea to a games company — or you could try to get a job on the development team of a games producer.

  Xiao Li:Hey, those are great ideas!

  Wang: There is something else.

  Xiao Li:What’s that?

  Wang: Have you ever dreamed of flying?

  Xiao Li:Huh?? Have I been talking in my sleep? How did you know that is my favorite dream?

  Wang: I didn’t Xiao Li, but this may be a case of the gods trying to tell you something.

  Xiao Li:What do you mean?

  Wang: Xiao Li, I recall reading a few years back that the Air Force found the best people to pilot the latest planes turned out to be online gamers. It’s because there are so many electronic gauges and the gamers seemed to always have the fastest reaction times.

  Xiao Li:Hah...my dad would love it if I could be a pilot, but it’s impossible.

  Wang: Why do you say that?

  Xiao Li:Because I suffer from the most awful airsickness.

  Wang: Aha! Well, don’t give up so soon — the gods of IT are smiling on you.

  Xiao Li:What do you mean?

  Wang: Perhaps you are not up with the latest in Aerial Surveillance? Many civil authorities, like the Weather Bureau, Agricultural Departments, Security services and the Army and Air Force are using what are called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).

  Xiao Li:Yes?

  Wang: Well, of course, these UAVs are REMOTELY controlled!

  Xiao Li:Just like a video game!

  Wang: You got it! You just sit back at base watching a computer screen while your plane — anything from 1 metre to 5 metres in length —carries out its mission. They have GPS satellite positioning and a video camera for eyes. Why, you could fly all-weather missions from the comfort of your office!

  Xiao Li:Wang you are a genius! I am going to the Army recruitment office this afternoon to see if they can make a pilot of me. I may not be the most muscle-bound recruit, but I still have skills to offer. My parents will be so glad to see me settled in a steady job. That is just the kind of work that I know that I can excel at.

  Wang: Sure man, you get to fly model planes — that is everybody’s hobby — except you are working in the national interest on planes with cameras or guns, on a really important mission.

  Xiao Li:You’re right. Today is the day that I quit wasting my time. Thank you so much.

  Wang: I really hope that you get the grades you deserve in the coming exam.



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