新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 愉快学英语:芝麻街里的曲奇怪正在减肥

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/21 19:02  东方网-新民晚报



  No More Treats for Cookie Monster

  Seasame Street favourite Cookie Monster is going on adiet.

  He is aiming to get healthy during the show’snewseries reports the New Zealand Harald.Other characters will also get involved in the health drive.Elmo will be shown exercising.

  As part of the project,Cookie Monster,who used to singthat“C is for cookie”,will be telling viewers that biscuits are occasional treats.He now sings:“A cookie is a sometimes food.”


  lose pounds

  ge trid of one’s excess weight

  shed extra pounds

  burn off 500 calories

  these pounds slowly come off.

  remove weight

  burn off the pounds

  cut calories

  take off pounds

  melt away a few pounds

  peel off some pounds

  slice some pounds off one’sweight(这两个用法很形象,又是切又是削的。这点相信有过减肥经历的人比较能体会,身体上那几坨赘肉总感觉对自己不离不弃死生相随,真恨不得直接剁下来痛快干净)

  drop the pounds,and keep them off.(最后这句最厉害了,瘦身产品的广告词里常吹嘘的所谓“不反弹”,英文就是这么表达的。)(作者:吴迪菲)



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