开口英语对话:你想和我一起去车展吗? |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/04 17:56 京华时报 |
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-Hey! What are you up to on the weekend? 嘿!这个周末你打算干什么? ★Not much, staying at home and watching movies I guess. 没什么,可能呆在家里看电影。 -Would you like to go to a Car Show with me? I heard that they have tons of new models this year. 想和我一起去车展吗?我听说今年有很多新车参展。 ★That sounds good! Sure, I’ll go. Where is it? 听起来不错!好啊,我过去。在哪? -The show is at the International Exhi-bition Center, North of 3rd ring road. I’ll meet you in front of the gate at 2 o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday. 这次展览是在北三环的国际展览中心举办。周六下午2点我们在大门口见。 ★Alright! I’ll see you then! 好!到时候见! -Wow! This is great! Look at these wonderful cars. 哇!太棒了!看这些好车。 ★Yeah, I love driving here in Beijing. Do you do a lot of driving here in Beijing? 是啊,我喜欢在北京开车。你在北京这儿经常开车吗? -No, not very much but everyday I see BMW’s and Mercedes zooming on the 3rd ring road. 不,不经常开车。但是每天我都能在三环上看见飞驰的宝马和奔驰车。 ★What is your favorite car? 你最喜欢什么车? -Mine? I like sports cars, so I would say Porsche is my favorite. 我?我喜欢运动车,所以我得说保时捷是我的最爱。 ★The new generation Porsche 911 Turbo will come out soon. 新一代的保时捷 911 Turbo马上就会问世了。 -That is my dream – to own a Porsche. 这是我的梦想———拥有一辆保时捷。 ★That would be so cool. 太酷了。 -It’s getting late and I have class tonight, but I’ll call you after class is fin-ished, ok? 天色已晚,我今晚还有课要上,课上完了我给你打电话,好吗? ★Great! I’ll talk to you later. Bye. 好!我晚些再和你聊。再见。 -Bye. 再见。 (英文供稿:北外诺加商务英语教学部主管Chad Moore) |
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