新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 在北京比在纽约更容易叫到出租车

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/11 13:49  新浪英语

  It’s easier to get a taxi in Beijing than in New York.


  A  One thing I like about Beijing compared to back home in the States is the number of taxis here.

  A  跟美国比起来,我喜欢北京的一个方面是这里的出租车的数量。

  B  You think there’s more taxis in Beijing?

  B  你认为北京的出租车数量更多吗?

  A  Oh, yes. Definitely. It’s easier to get a taxi here than in New York.

  A  噢,是的。当然。在北京比在纽约更容易叫到出租车。

  B  Are there less in New York?

  B  纽约的出租车数量少吗?

  A  I think so. Usually, apart from the rush hour, it’s easy to get a taxi in Beijing.

  A  我想是的。通常,除了高峰时刻,在北京很容易叫到出租车。

  B  I guess that’s true. Usually, it’s not a problem here. You never have to wait too long.

  B  我想这是事实。通常,在这里叫出租车不是问题。你从来不需要等太长的时间。


  1  Remember to use the comparative form of the adjective when you compare things, e.g. It’s easier to get a taxi in Beijing than in New York / It’s easier to get a taxi in Beijing than in New York.

  记住当你比较事物的时候,用形容词的比较级形式。例如It’s easier to get a taxi in Beijing than in New York /在北京比在纽约更容易叫到出租车。

  2  Remember apart from . . . / apart from . . . e.g. Apart from the rush hour, it’s easy to get a taxi / Apart from the rush hour, it’s easy to get a taxi.

  记住apart from . . . / 除了 . . . 例如Apart from the rush hour, it’s easy to get a taxi /除了高峰时刻,很容易叫到出租车。

  3  Remember also the different phrases to describe frequency, e.g. always / always; never / never; usually / usually, e.g. Usually it’s not a problem here / Usually it’s not a problem here; You never have to wait too long / You never have to wait too long.

  也请记住描述频度的各种短语。例如always / 总是; never / 从不 ;usually /通常。例如Usually it’s not a problem here /通常在这里这不是问题。You never have to wait too long /你从来不需要等太长的时间。

Key phrases and sentences


One thing I like about Beijing

compared to back home in the

States is the number of taxis here.

You think there’s more taxis in


Oh, yes.  Definitely.  It’s easier to

get a taxi here than in New York.

Are there less in New York?

I think so. 

Usually, apart from the rush hour,

it’s easy to get a taxi in Beijing.

I guess that’s true. 

Usually, it’s not a problem here. 

You never have to wait too long.



















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