双语:国际象棋冠军不敌电脑深弗里茨(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/11 17:06 国际在线 |
World chess champion beaten by computer program BONN, Germany - World chess champion Vladimir Kramnik lost his final game in a match against computer program Deep Fritz on Tuesday, ceding(放弃)a hard-fought(难以对付的)Man vs. Machine series 4-2. 12月5日,国际象棋世界冠军克拉姆尼克在最后一局与电脑程序“深弗里茨(Deep Fritz)”的对垒中输给了对手。这样,克拉姆尼克在6局对抗赛中终以2胜4负败北。 Kramnik, seeking a final win to level the match, played an unbalanced(非理性的)opening with Black. He built up a good position and equalized. But he then went astray(迷途), losing a pawn(棋)from which he never recovered. 试图击败电脑棋手的克拉姆尼克执黑棋开局不利,中途几局他也占据良机与计算机和棋,但背水一战的克拉姆尼克最终被计算机击败。 The Russian takes home $500,000 (euro375,000) — half of what he would have received if he had won against Deep Fritz, a commercially available chess program that runs on a powerful personal computer. 如果此次人机大赛克拉姆尼克获胜,他将得到100万美元的奖金,但现在他只能拿到一半。具有商业价值的象棋程序控制的深弗里茨是一台强大的个人电脑。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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