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17期:Halls of fame(上)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/14 11:59  英语周报大学版


  Halls of fame mean sports stars’ best days never have to end


  The best people in a sport may be elected to a hall of fame. The United States is home to national or international halls of fame in golf, hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, swimming, bowling3 bicycling, motor sports and more. This week on our program, we tell you about three of them: the ones for baseball, basketball and professional football.

  Our first stop is the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States. The full name is the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.

  In 1891, a man named James Naismith was teaching 1 education at a school in Springfield. One long, cold winter, he had to create a game for eighteen young men to play 2 . So the Canadian-born Naismith wrote some rules.

  Rule number one: “The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.” Two: “The ball may be 3 in any direction with one or both hands (never with the 4 ).”

  In all, there were thirteen rules — the 5 rules of basketball. James Naismith is recognized as the inventor of basketball.

  The National Association of Basketball Coaches established the Hall of Fame in 1949. It opened in 6 at Springfield College. A new, larger building opened in 1985. And, four years ago, the Hall of Fame moved into a newer building, just 7 of its former home. The new building increased the size by almost one hundred percent.

  The Basketball Hall of Fame is a museum and entertainment center. It combines history with technology. 8 . In the Center Court area, for example, visitors can play interactive games of basketball and take part in skill competitions.

  The Hall of Fame 9 basketball at every level of the game. 10 . They learn about women’s teams and how the game is played at the college level. They also learn about basketball for disabled people.

  11 . Earlier this month, six more honorees joined the more than two hundred fifty people in the Hall of Fame. The six new members are Geno Auriemma, Charles Barkley, Joe Dumars, Sandro Gamba, David Gavitt and Dominique Wilkins.

  (To be continued)




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