

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/20 14:23  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  There will be lots of volunteers and guides.


  A  Hi, Paul. Sorry I'm late.

  A  你好,保罗! 对不起,我迟到了。

  B  Never mind. I've been talking to Feng.

  B  没关系。我正在和风说话。

  A  About volunteering at the Olympics, no doubt!

  A  你们在谈论关于当奥运会志愿者的事情,一定是!

  B  Yes. It's a great idea.

  B  是的。这是一个好主意。

  A  There will be lots of volunteers and guides.

  A  到时候将有很多志愿者和导游。

  B  And Feng will be ideal. He's interested in sport, and he speaks excellent English.

  B  风将是理想的人选。他对体育感兴趣。而且他英语讲得非常棒。


  1  If someone apologies for being late, you can reply: Never mind. / Never mind.

  如果某人为迟到而道歉,你可以这样回答:Never mind. /没关系。

  2  To talk about large numbers informally without being too specific, you can say: lots of /lots of. There will be lots of volunteers. / There will be lots of volunteers .

  要非正式地谈论大的数字而不需要很具体,你可以说:lots of /许多。There will be lots of volunteers. /将会有许许多多的志愿者。

  3  To explain why you think someone would be good at something, you can talk about what they can do: He's interested in sport. / He's interested in sport; And he speaks excellent English. / And he speaks excellent English.

  要解释你为什么认为某人善于做某事,你可以谈论他们能做什么。He's interested in sport. 他对体育感兴趣。 / And he speaks excellent English. /而且他的英语讲得非常棒。

Key phrases and sentences


Hi, Paul. Sorry I'm late.

Never mind. I've been talking to Feng.

About volunteering at the Olympics, no doubt!

Yes. It's a great idea.

There will be lots of volunteer helpers and guides.

And Feng will be ideal. He's interested in sport. And he speaks excellent English.




你好,保罗! 对不起,我迟到了。








