
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月30日 10:09  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  London is really green. There are lots of trees and parks.


  A And what about London? What's London like?

  A 伦敦怎么样?伦敦的情况是什么样的?

  B Well, in summer it's cooler than here and cooler than Athens.

  B 哦,这里夏天很凉爽,比雅典凉爽。

  A And wetter, I believe! You get quite a lot of rain.

  A 而且更潮湿,我想!你们雨多。

  B Yes, perhaps. But it's really green. Greener than Athens, certainly.

  B 是的,也许是。但是这里确实是绿色的。比雅典要绿,当然。

  A How is that?

  A 为什么呢?

  B Well, there are lots of trees and parks. In spring and summer London is a really green place.

  B 哦,这里有很多树木和公园。春天和夏天伦敦确实是一片绿色。


  1 When someone asks what London is like: What's London like? / What's London like? the replies are quite positive mentioning the fact that London is cooler, wetter and greener than both Athens and Beijing: Well, it's cooler than here, and cooler than Athens. / Well, it's cooler than here, and cooler than Athens: And wetter. / And wetter: It’s greener than Athens. / It’s greener than Athens.

  当某人问都伦敦的情况时:What's London like? /伦敦的情况是什么样的?当回答提到伦敦比北京和雅典更凉爽、更湿润和更绿时,语气是肯定的。Well, it's cooler than here, and cooler than Athens. / 哦,这里夏天很凉爽,比雅典凉爽。And wetter. /而且更潮湿。It’s greener than Athens. /比雅典要绿。

  2 There's an explanation for all the greenery - all the parks and trees: Well, there are lots of trees and parks. / Well, there are lots of trees and parks.

  对伦敦是到处是绿色有一个解释——所有的公园和树木:Well, there are lots of trees and parks. /哦,这里有很多树木和公园。

Key phrases and sentences


And what about London?

What's London like?

Well, in summer it's cooler than here and cooler than Athens.

And wetter, I believe!

You get quite a lot of rain.

Yes, perhaps. But it's really green. Greener than Athens, certainly.

How is that?

Well, there are lots of trees and parks. In spring and summer London is a really green place.











