2007年02月06日 18:56 国际在线
Bereaved pay to turn ashes into diamonds In Marilyn Monroe's days, diamonds were a girl's best friend. Now they are becoming the companion of the bereaved too. 钻石一直被认为是女人最好的朋友,今后它们很可能成为许多死者家属最亲的伙伴。 A Swiss company, Algordanza, is turning human ashes into diamonds at a cost of between ?3,750 and ?15,500 (?2,470 to ?10,200), depending on the size and cut of the stone. 据《卫报》2月5日报道,瑞士Algordanza公司目前推出了将人体骨灰制作成钻石的服务,这些人造钻石依据大小和切工的不同,售价在3750欧元至1.5万欧元不等。 In Spain and Portugal, about 100 bereft relatives have turned the remains of their father, mother or spouse into gems, according to yesterday's El Mundo . 目前,大约有100名西班牙和葡萄牙的死者家属订制了这种骨灰钻石。他们希望将已故的父亲、母亲或是配偶的骨灰变成钻石,永远珍藏起来。 "The idea of the cemetery niche, the worms, was always horrifying to me," Ana Alonso, a widow from the Spanish town of Logro?o, told the newspaper. She has transformed her husband's ashes into two heart-shaped diamond earrings, which she plans to wear on a pilgrimage to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, a trip that the couple had hoped to make. "This way I will always have him me near me," she said. 西班牙罗格罗诺市的一名丧偶妇女将丈夫的骨灰做成了两只心形的钻石耳环。她表示:“将他留在冰冷的墓地会使我痛苦不堪。但通过这种方式,我可以让他永远靠近我。” The jewellery business was founded in 2004 and now operates in 17 countries, including France, Germany and Spain. Its website offers a detailed explanation of how the ashes become a diamond: from the chemical processes used to treat the carbon to its high-pressure, high-temperature synthesis into a stone, which may be engraved. 报道说,早在2004年就出现了类似的动物骨灰钻石,目前动物骨灰钻石已遍及法国、德国和西班牙等17个国家,深受许多宠物主人喜爱。Algordanza公司在网站上介绍了如何将人体骨灰变成钻石的过程:在高温下提取骨灰中的碳元素(钻石的主要成分),再用高压结晶成钻石,最后再将钻石雕琢成首饰。 Carmelo Hernández of Alicante turned his mother's ashes into a bluish, half-carat diamond inscribed with her favourite Latin phrase: "Omnia mea mecum porto," or "I carry with me all my things." "Having her like this, as a precious stone, has something of a relic mystical, symbolic, eternal to it," he told El Mundo. 西班牙阿利坎特市的一名男子将母亲的骨灰制成了一枚半克拉的蓝色钻石吊坠,钻石上还刻有他母亲最喜欢的拉丁语句——“我带着我所有的东西”。这名男子表示:“我喜欢用这样的方式继续留住她。这是一颗珍贵的石头,一个神秘的、有意义的且永恒的纪念物。” (文/吴小蕊)