2007年02月07日 03:11 北京市民讲外语活动组委会
My daughter has got red hair and brown eyes. 我女儿的头发是红色的,眼睛是褐色的。 A I made an appointment for my daughter at the hairdresser’s. A 我替我的女儿在美发厅定了一个约会。 B Does she look like you? B 她长得像你吗? A No, my daughter has got red hair. A 不,我女儿的头发是红色的。 B That's a surprise! B 让人吃惊! A And she's got brown eyes. Like her father. A 她的眼睛是褐色的。像她的父亲。 B Have you got a photo of her? I’d like to see what she looks like. B 你有她的照片吗?我想看看她长什么样子。 Notes注释 1 You can describe people according to the way they look, for example, their hair: My daughter has got red hair. / My daughter has got red hair. Or their eyes: And she's got brown eyes. / And she's got brown eyes. 你可以按照人们的长相来描述他们,例如,他们的头发:My daughter has got red hair. /我女儿的头发是红色的。或者他们的眼睛:And she's got brown eyes. /她的眼睛是褐色的。 2 In a family, people can look like each other - or not! You can ask someone about a relative; Does she look like you? / Does she look like you?; No. Like her father. / No. Like her father. 在一个家庭里的人彼此可以长得很相像,或者不像!你可以问某人亲属的情况:Does she look like you /她长得像你吗;No. Like her father. /不,她长得像她的父亲。