
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月29日 18:52   北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I’ve got a meeting tomorrow morning at ten-thirty.


  A Hello Paul. Sorry I can’t meet you tomorrow. I’ve got a meeting tomorrow morning at ten-thirty.

  A 你好,保罗。对不起,我明天不能和你见面。我明天上午10点半有个会。

  B Don’t worry. I know you are very busy. Perhaps we could meet in the afternoon?

  B 没关系。我知道你很忙。也许我们明天下午可以见面?

  A That would be great. How are you fixed around 2 o’clock?

  A 那太好了。2点左右你有安排吗?

  B Two is fine. I can easily make 2. Let’s meet then.

  B 2点可以。2点我很容易安排。我们就那时候见吧。


  1 When you want to apologise for something, the most common way is to say sorry / sorry. For example. Sorry I can’t meet you tomorrow. / Sorry I can’t meet you tomorrow.

  当你为某事感到抱歉时,最常用的方式是说sorry /对不起。例如:Sorry I can’t meet you tomorrow. /对不起,我明天不能和你见面。

  2 Don’t worry / Don’t worry. It’s not a problem.

  Don’t worry /没关系。这不要紧。

  3 When you want to ask if someone might be free, you can say: How are you fixed for 2 o’clock? / How are you fixed for 2 o’clock?

  当你想问某人是否有空时,你可以说:How are you fixed for 2 o’clock? /2点左右你有安排吗?

Key phrases & sentences                            重要的短语和句子


Sorry I can’t meet you tomorrow.                对不起,我明天不能和你见面。

I’ve got a meeting at ten-thirty.                   我明天上午10点半有个会。

Don’t worry.                                                    没关系。

I know you are very busy.                             我知道你很忙。

Perhaps we could meet in the afternoon   也许我们明天下午可以见面?

That would be great.                                      那太好了。

How are you fixed around 2 o’clock?           2点左右你有安排吗?

Two is fine.                                                      2点可以。

I can easily make 2.                                         2点我很容易安排。

Let’s meet then.                                              我们就那时候见吧。


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