
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月02日 23:57   英语周报大学版

  薄冰、 司树森教授答读者问(2006-2007学年度 第22期)


  问:在阅读中,有这样一个句子:① And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.我看不太懂,尤其是rather than在这里是什么意思?是什么词类,起什么作用?

  答:常用词语rather than用法比较复杂,也是基础阶段的重点词语。rather than在你所提问的句①中是并列连词(coordinative conjunction),也有语法学者称其为准并列连词或边际并列连词(quasi-coordinator)。其意为:“是……而不是……;与其说是……,不如说是……”(and not, more... than...),通常表示否定,多强调事物在客观上的不同,而在连接不定式时则多表示主观的意愿。rather than的用法特点是须连接两个完全对等的语法形式,如可以是名词(短语)、形容词(短语)、代词、谓语动词、介词短语、名词性分句、动名词(短语)和不定式等。如②:I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee.③ He was an objective (writer) rather than a subjective writer.④The distinctions are semantic rather than grammatical.⑤ He rather than you is responsible for the loss.⑥ She telephoned rather than wrote.⑦ It was what he meant rather than what he said.⑧ Mr. Brady likes playing golf rather than climbing up the hill.⑨ He wanted to sunbathe rather than (to) swim.(不定式表示主观意愿,第二个不定式即可带to也可不带to, 通常多省略to)⑩ He prefers to rent a car rather than (to) have one of his own.(prefer...rather than 这一用法虽然有语法学者不赞同,但已被人们所广泛使用。) 你所提问句①中的rather than 即是作并列连词的用法,只不过它所连接的是谓语动词are...focused后面的两个作状语用的介词短语on the specific skills necessary to do the next job和on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies。与其相似用法的例子如:{11} We rely main on our own efforts rather than on outside help. {12} The dictator relied on abuse(谩骂)of his opponents rather than on sound reasoning. {13} He depended on flashes of insight rather than on any carefully organized analysis. 通过上述可见,rather than 作并列连词用,虽然比较复杂,但其使用却相当普遍。你所提问的句①或可直译为:“……用来培训工人的有限投资仅仅是被用在应急生产任务的特定技术的培训上,而不是用在使工人能够掌握将来新生产工艺所需的基本技术的培训上。”那么,关于rather than 是什么词类的问题,语法学界历来看法不一。我们倾向于认为,除作并列连词外,还可以作从属连词(subordinative conjunction)和介词用。rather than作从属连词引导的从句通常是一种表示比较关系的“选择”性的状语从句。如:{14} Rather than you say anything, I would speak to the manager myself.这种用法在当代英语已不多见了。最后,rather than 作介词用,其意为:“而不是……”(in preference to (sb. or sth.), instead of (sb. or sth.)),通常多与动词名词(也可与名词或代词)连用,并且通常多位于句首,间或也可置于句末。如:{15} Rather than giving prominence to one or two heroes as most films do, Quivering Golden Wings portrays a group of admirable young people. {16} Rather than a new car, he bought a colour television. {17} Let’s finish the job today, rather than leaving it till tomorrow. rather than是一重要常用词语,在中级英语水平测试的各种题型中时有出现。如:{18}Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people ____ harm them. A) more than B) other than C)rather than D) better than(CET-4,1993.6) {19}She said she would work it out herself, ____ ask me for help. A) and not to B) but not C) and prefer not D) rather than (EMT-4, 1993) {20} We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ____ in a personal one. A)rather than B) other than C) better than D) less than(1995年


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