2007年04月12日 15:56 北京市民讲外语活动组委会
She’s a doctor. She works in a hospital. 她是一名医生。她在一家医院工作。 A What about your wife? What does she do? A 你妻子呢?她是做什么工作的? B She’s a doctor. She works in a hospital. B 她是一名医生。她在一家医院工作。 A That sounds interesting. A 这工作听起来很有趣。 B Yes. She really loves her work. But it can be hard. B 是的,她非常喜欢自己的工作。但是她的工作很累。 A How do you mean? A 怎么讲? B Well, she often has to work long hours. It can be very tiring. B 哦,她经常得连续工作很多个小时,使人相当疲劳。 Notes注释 1 You can ask and talk about what people do in various ways, eg: What does she do? / What does she do?: She’s a doctor / She’s a doctor. 你可以用不同的方法询问和谈论人们做什么工作,例如:What does she do? /她是做什么工作的?She’s a doctor /她是一名医生。 2 You can talk about what people feel about their job, eg: She really loves her job / She really loves her job: He likes his work / He likes his work. 你可以谈论人们对他们的工作感觉如何。例如:She really loves her job /她非常喜欢自己的工作。He likes his work /他喜欢他的工作。 3 You can also describe work and jobs in other ways, both positively and negatively, eg: It’s exciting work / It’s exciting work: My job is boring / My job is boring: It can be very tiring / It can be very tiring. 你也可以用其他的方法来描述工作,肯定或者否定的方式都可以。例如:It’s exciting work /这是令人兴奋的工作。My job is boring /我的工作很沉闷。It can be very tiring /这工作很累人。
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