
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月20日 15:58   北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s not a full-time job but it pays well.


  A It’s always good to earn something extra.

  A 额外挣些钱总是好的。

  B I know. That’s why I do the weekend job in the restaurant.

  B 我知道。这也是我为什么周某在餐馆打工的原因。

  A If you are studying, it’s good to earn some extra income. Even from part-time work.

  A 如果你在上学,额外有些收入很好。即使是做兼职工作也好。

  B I agree. It’s not a full-time job but it pays well.

  B 我同意。这虽然是一份兼职工作,但是报酬不低。

  A Well, living is expensive these days. Everything helps.

  A 哦,现在生活消费很高。干点什么都有用。

  B Yes, the extra money helps me with my studying so it’s important for me to earn as much as I can.

  B 是的,额外挣的钱对我的学习有帮助,所以我尽可能多挣一些,这对我很重要。


  1 Extra / extra is a useful adjective, eg: Extra money is always helpful / Extra money is always helpful: I earn some extra income / I earn some extra income.

  Extra /额外的是一个有用的形容词,例如:Extra money is always helpful /额外挣些钱总是很有帮助。I earn some extra income /我有一些额外收入。

  2 Remember some of the phrases you can use about jobs and work, eg: part-time work / part-time work: It pays well / It pays well: It’s a weekend job / It’s a weekend job.

  记住用来描述工作的一些短语。例如:part-time work / 兼职工作。It pays well /报酬不错。It’s a weekend job /这是一份周末上班的工作。

Key phrases and sentences


It’s always good to earn something


I know.  That’s why I do the

weekend job in the restaurant.

If you are studying, it’s good to

earn some extra income.

Even from part-time work.

I agree.  It’s not a full-time job but

it pays well.

Well, living is expensive these

days.Everything helps.

The extra money helps me with my

studying so it’s important for me to

earn as much as I can.














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