2007年04月29日 12:37 北京市民讲外语活动组委会
Beijing itself is changing so much for the Olympics. 为奥运会的召开北京正发生着巨大的变化。 A Beijing itself is changing so much for the Olympics. A 为奥运会的召开北京正发生着巨大的变化。 B They are planting millions of trees all round the city. B 在北京各地都在植树,栽种的树木有数百万棵。 A Yes, Beijing will be the first ‘green’ Olympics. It should really help cut pollution. A 是的,北京将是第一个绿色奥运的城市。这对减少污染将非常有效。 B And there will be new metro lines and transport systems. B 而且到时将有新的地铁线路和新的交通系统开始运行。 A Beijing will almost be a different city. A 北京将涣然一新。 Notes注释 1.Remember the various ways you can use the verb help / help, eg: It should help cut pollution / It should help cut pollution : The new metro should help reduce traffic / The new metro should help reduce traffic. 记住 help / 帮助一词的多种用法。例如:It should help cut pollution / 这将对减少污染有效果。The new metro should help reduce traffic / 新的地铁线路将减缓交通拥挤的状况。 2.We use the description green / green, when we describe something that is good for the environment, eg Beijing will be a green Olympics / Beijing will be a green Olympics. 当你描述某件对环境有益的事情时用green / 绿色的这个词。例如:Beijing will be a green Olympics / 在北京举行的奥运会将是一个绿色的奥运。
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