
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年05月29日 09:00   英语周报大学版


  Money game reveals our inner Robin Hood



  By Roxanne Khamsi 刘颖 译

  {1}Oinnate desire for equality prompts us to “even out” the wealth of the rich among the poor — even at our own expense, a new study suggests.

  {2}In the laboratory games, the poorest players surrendered some of their own money tokens simply to penalise their richer counterparts, without any hope of personal gain.

  {3}James Fowler at the University of California in San Diego, US, and colleagues recruited 120 student volunteers to take part in the experiment. Each student sat before a computer terminal and played a game with various anonymous participants.

  {4}At the start of each round, the computer told them they had received a certain number of tokens, either 12, 16, 24 or 36. Along with indicating how much money they had, the computer screen also displayed the amounts held by three other players.

  {5}Fowler defined the “rich” players as those assigned the most money in a given group, and “poor” players as those with the least.

  Welcome largesse

  {6}The students had to indicate what they wanted to do with their tokens. Each token that subjects kept would contribute $0.05 towards the money they kept at the end of the game. So a subject who kept 20 tokens in a round would net $1. They could also use their tokens to reduce or increase the other three players’ sums.

  {7}The subjects completed five rounds of the game, each time interacting online with three new anonymous players.

  {8}About 30% of the time, the richest players generously gave up tokens to help boost the accounts of the poor players. And 12% of the time they used tokens to make the poorer players even more destitute.

  Vanishing cash

  {9}By contrast, in 44% of the rounds the poorest players gave up some of their tiny funds to see the rich become less wealthy. But even though these players acted somewhat like the legendary English bandit, Robin Hood, by taking from the rich, the money did not get redistributed to the poor. It simply disappeared.

  {10}Previous experiments of this kind have not matched subjects with new, anonymous players in each round. And in these earlier studies, people often used their money to punish the richest and most miserly players. But Fowler’s group eliminated the element of revenge by masking participants’ identity, making it impossible for them to develop a reputation.

  {11}Fowler says this means his participants acted purely to promote economic equality — not to exact revenge. He believes the overall findings indicate that people have “an inherent taste for equality”.

  Dangerous inequality?

  {12}“Behavioural findings such as these extend our knowledge about what motivates our economic and political decisions,” says economist Chetan Dave at the University of Texas in Dallas, US.

  {13}“One of the reasons we cooperate may be because we care about equality,” says Fowler.

  {14}“Inequality is dangerous. It encourages friction and strife” within a group, says economist Robert Frank of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, US. He adds that our ability to partially avoid such conflict could have given us an evolutionary edge. Although, he admits that the real world is rife with inequality.




















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