2007年05月31日 07:22 北京市民讲外语活动组委会
The new stadium looks fantastic. 新体育场看起来棒极了。 A The new stadium looks fantastic! A 新体育场看起来棒极了! B Yes, it’s wonderful. It’s a really dramatic building. B 是的,非常好。这真是一个壮观的建筑。 A I guess that whole area of north Beijing will change because of the Olympics. A 我想奥林匹克运动会将给整个北京带来一个巨大的变化。 B Yes, it’s not just the stadium – it’s new roads, parks, other Olympic buildings too. B 是的,不仅仅是体育场——还有崭新的道路、公园以及其他的奥运会场馆。 A Big changes everywhere! The Olympics are really changing the city. A 到处都焕然一新! 奥运会正改变着整个北京城。 Notes注释 1.You can also talk about directions by using north / north : south / south : east / east : west / west , eg: The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre / The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre. 你也可以用north / 北 : south / 南 : east / 东 : west /西来谈论方向。例如:The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre /奥林匹克运动场在北京市中心的北边。 2.You can use changes/changes, or the verb changing / changing to describe Beijing, eg Big changes everywhere / Big changes everywhere: The Olympics are really changing this city / The Olympics are really changing this city.. 你可以用changes/变化,或者动词changing /正在改变来描述北京。例如:Big changes everywhere /北京到处都在变。The Olympics are really changing this city /奥运会正改变着整个北京城。
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