
我喜欢我的工作 也喜欢住在北京

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年06月18日 10:54   北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I really enjoy my work and living in Beijing.


  A I graduated from university about 4 years ago.

  A 大约4年前我从大学毕业了。

  B And then what did you do? What did you do after university?

  B 然后你做什么了?你大学毕业后做了什么?

  A After university? Well, I looked for a job in Beijing.

  A 大学毕业后?哦,我在北京找了份工作。

  B Did you find a good job?

  B 你找到一份很好的工作吗?

  A Yes, I did. And I really enjoy my work and living in Beijing.

  A 是的,是这样。我非常喜欢我的工作,也非常喜欢住在北京。

  B Work can be hard – it’s good if you enjoy it.

  B 工作有时很辛苦——你喜欢自己的工作这很好。


  1.Remember when you are talking about the past, you use the past forms of the verbs, eg I graduated about 4 years ago / I graduated about 4 years ago: I came to Beijing in 2005 / I came to Beijing in 2005.

  记住,当你谈论过去的事情时用动词的过去式。例如:I graduated about 4 years ago /大约4年前我毕业了。I came to Beijing in 2005 /我2005年来了北京。

  2.In questions about the past, remember to use did / did, eg: What did you do you after university? / What did you do after university? : Did you find a good job? / Did you find a good job?

  在询问过去的问句中,记住用did / did,例如:What did you do you after university? /你大学毕业后做了什么?Did you find a good job? /你找到一份不错的工作了吗?

Key phrases and sentences


I graduated from university about 4

years ago.

And then what did you do?

What did you do after university?

After university?

Well, I looked for a job in Beijing. 

Did you find a good job?

Yes, I did.  And I really enjoy my work

and living in Beijing.

Work can be hard – it’s good if you

enjoy it.













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