2007年07月02日 11:48 信息时报
Stace Owens has no intention of leaving this world when he dies……The 33-year-old real estate agent from Dallas is among more than 7,000 people who have agreed to donate their bodies for plastination, a process in which body fluids are replaced by liquid plastic. The plastic hardens, leaving tissues intact and allowing bodies to be displayed in their natural color. 趣味双语:塑料和塑料化的区别 斯泰科·欧文斯不希望死后永远离开这个世界……。这位来自达拉斯的33岁地产经纪,和另外7000多人一样,同意死后捐出躯体作“塑料化”处理──即以液态塑料取代体液。液态塑料硬化后,尸体不会变质,连颜色也得以保存不变。) 德国解剖学家巩特尔·范根斯(Gunther von Hagens)的塑化尸体展览曾在世界巡回展出,也曾来过中国。虽然他的作品仍惹起不少争议,可是越来越多人自愿捐出身体,让他“塑化”。 Plastic是名词,指“塑料”。范根斯给尸体注入液态塑料的程序,因此叫做plastination。 Plastination用作名词,动词就作plastinate。Donors Hope Plastinated Bodies Educate——捐赠者希望塑化尸体作教育用途。
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