2007年07月23日 16:53 信息时报
in one's mouth in one's mouth Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth. Those who are, though, are born into a wealthy family and it is assumed that they will lead comfortable lives filled with material riches(财富). All of us could probably name several children we know who have been blessed in this way, but the one that comes to my mind is the little Prince. "I notice your son has been born with a silver spoon in his mouth," Nurse Dion said to the King. "I wonder what kind of person I could be if I had been born with a silver spoon in my mouth?" she asked. 趣味双语:如何表达“含着银匙出生的人” 含银匙出生 并非人人都含着银汤匙出生。那些是的人均生于富贵之家,人们一般会认为他们将过上物质财富丰富、衣食无忧的舒适生活。也许谁都可以随口说出几个有这种福气的孩子的名字,但我的脑海里浮现的却是小王子。护士迪安对国王说:“你的儿子嘴含银匙出生。”迪安还问道:“如果我也含着银匙出生,不知道我会成为一个怎样的人呢?”
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