2007年07月23日 17:05 信息时报
英国冒险家刘易斯·戈登·皮尤成为在北极冰冷海水中游泳的第一人 British man becomes first to swim in North Pole British adventurer(冒险家) Lewis Gordon Pugh on 15th July became the first person to swim in the icy waters of the North Pole(北极), to raise awareness of how global warming is effecting the polar ice cap. Pugh, 37, took 18 minutes and 50 seconds to swim one kilometre in the minus 1.8-degree Celsius water - the coldest water ever swum in, he claimed in a statement. "I hope my swim will inspire world leaders to take climate change seriously. The decisions which they make over the next few years will determine the biodiversity(生物多样性) of our world," he said. "I want my children, and their children, to know that polar bears are still living in the Arctic." he added. 双语:英国男子成北极游泳第一人 全程1公里 7月15日,英国冒险家刘易斯·戈登·皮尤成为在北极冰冷海水中游泳的第一人,目的是为了让世人进一步意识到全球变暖将会对极地冰帽造成怎样的影响。 37岁的皮尤在零下1.8摄氏度的水温中游完了1公里,全程耗时大约18分钟50秒。他在声明中表示这是他曾经游过的最冷的水。 他说:“我希望我的冰泳能让各国领导人认真对待气候变化这个问题。他们在接下来几年所做出的抉择将决定我们这个世界的生物多样性。”皮尤还补充说:“我希望我的孩子,还有孩子们的孩子都能看到北极熊仍然好好地在北极里生活着。”
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