

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月25日 14:40   新浪英语




  MEXICO 1968

  Opening date:

  12 October 1968

  Closing date:

  27 October 1968

  Country of the host city:

  Mexico (MEX)

  Candidate cities:

  Detroit (USA), Lyon (FRA) and Buenos Aires (ARG)



  The choice of Mexico City to host the 1968 Olympics was a controversial one because of the city's high altitude, 2,300m, which meant that the air contained 30% less oxygen than at sea level. Sure enough, the rarefied air proved disastrous to many athletes competing in endurance events. On the other hand, the high altitude led to world records in all of the men’s races that were 400m or shorter, including both relays, and in the 400m hurdles, in the long jump and triple jump as well. Bob Beamon’s spectacular long jump of 8.90m would last as a world record for 22 years. The Mexico City Olympics, the first Summer Games to include sex testing for women, were blessed with many outstanding heroines. Mexican hurdler Enriqueta Basilio became the first woman to light the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony. Eulalia Rolinska of Poland, Gladys de Seminario of Peru and Nuria Ortiz of Mexico were the first women to compete in shooting. Wyomia Tyus of the United States became the first repeat winner of the 100m dash. The most popular female athlete of the 1968 Games was Vera Caslavska, the Czech gymnast. After the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia two months before the Olympics, Caslavska went into hiding for three weeks. She emerged to win four gold medals and two silvers. On the male side, Al Oerter of the United States won the discus throw for the fourth time. The 1968 Games also saw the first drug disqualification, as a Swedish entrant in the modern pentathlon, Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall, tested positive…for excessive alcohol.

  112 NOCs (Nations)

  5,516 athletes (781 women, 4,735 men)

  172 events


  1963年,国际奥委会于联邦德国巴登巴登召开的第六十届会议上,从布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)、底特律(美国)、里昂(法国) 、墨西哥城(墨西哥)4个申请主办奥运会的城市中,选了墨西哥城为第十九届奥运会会址。会议讨论中,人们对生活在平原地区的运动员能否适 应这个高原城市的气候,表示了严重关注。

  中国台湾派出了43名运动员(其中女子8人),参加了田径(11人)、拳击(3人)、体操 (4人)、自行车(5人)、射击(8人)、游泳(4 人)、帆船(3人)、举重(5人)8个大项的比赛。

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