

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月26日 12:05   新浪英语





  Opening date:

  17 July 1976

  Closing date:

  01 August 1976

  Country of the host city:

  Canada (CAN)

  Candidate cities:

  Los Angeles (USA) and Moscow (URSS)



  The 1976 Montreal Games were marred by an African boycott to protest the fact that the national rugby team of New Zealand had toured South Africa and New Zealand was scheduled to compete in the Olympics. Women’s events were included for the first time in basketball, rowing and team handball. Fourteen-year-old gymnast Nadia Comaneci of Romania caused a sensation when, for her performance on the uneven bars, she was awarded the first-ever perfect score of 10.0. She eventually earned seven 10.0s. On the men’s side, Japan’s Shun Fujimoto broke his leg while completing his floor exercises routine. The Japanese team was engaged in a close contest with the Soviet Union, so Fujimoto kept his injury secret. But when he dismounted from the rings, he dislocated his knee and was forced to withdraw. The Japanese women’s volleyball team won all their matches in straight sets, and in only one of fifteen games did an opponent score in double figures. Individual stars included Klaus Dibiasi of Italy, who won his third straight gold medal in platform diving; Viktor Saneyev of Soviet Georgia, who won his third triple jump gold; and Irena Szewinska of Poland, winner of the 400m run, who brought her career total to seven medals - in five different events. Alberto Juantorena of Cuba put together the first 40m-800m double victory. Miklos Németh of Hungary won the javelin throw to become the first son of an athletics gold medalist to win a gold of his own. His father, Imre, had won the hammer throw in 1948. Clarence Hill of Bermuda earned a bronze medal in boxing’s super-heavyweight division to give Bermuda the honor of being the least populous nation (53,500) ever to win a medal in the Summer Olympics.

  92 NOCs (Nations)

  6,084 athletes (1,260 women, 4,824 men)

  198 events


  加拿大蒙特利尔市曾先后五次申请主办奥运会。在争取1972年奥运会主办权时,几乎胜利在望,但最后以一票之差败于联邦德国慕尼黑。1970年在国际奥委会阿姆斯特丹年会上,蒙特利尔经过激烈的竞争,终于击败了对手美国洛杉矶、苏联莫斯科和意大利佛罗伦萨 三市,赢得了第二十一届奥运会的主办权.

  本届奥运会美国再次受挫,第二的地位被民主德国取代。民主德国获40枚金牌、25枚银牌、25枚铜牌,而美国各类奖牌数依次为 34、35、25枚。苏联列奖牌榜第一,各类奖牌数依次为49、41、35枚,但苏联在田径和游泳方面明显逊色于民主德国,也感到了“第一”的 危机。

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