

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月30日 15:52   信息时报

  Girls screamed and fans wore their hearts on their shirts - the red of Manchester United, white of Real Madrid, white of England and the gold, white and blue of Beckham's new team, the Los Angeles Galaxy - to greet the British star on his official arrival to US professional soccer.(女孩们尖叫,球迷前来迎接这位英国球星正式加入美国职业足球,他们的心事都在穿着的衬衫上表露得一清二楚——红色的曼联、白色的皇家马德里、白色的英格兰、金白蓝色的贝克汉姆新球队洛杉矶银河。)

  小贝一抵达美国洛杉矶银河足球队的体育馆,就受到2500多名球迷的热烈欢迎,他们高呼We love Beckham、There's only one David Beckham,还别出心裁,穿上小贝多年来曾效力球队的

球衣,因此引文说fans wore their hearts on their shirts(球迷以衬衫表达心声)。

  看上去没问题吧?其实,正宗的说法应该是to wear one's heart on one's sleeves,用shirts代替sleeves不过是作者的临时创作,配合文中的球衣而已。

  To wear one's heart on one's sleeves指彻底公开自己的感受、想法,如:Connie wears her heart on her sleeves - she is not afraid of telling the truth(康妮向来直肠直肚——她不怕说实话)。

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