

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年08月19日 01:48   北京市民讲外语活动组委会

I can’t wait for the Olympics to start!



A     Are you looking forward to the Olympics? 

A     你期待奥运会的召开吗?


B         Yes, I can’t wait for them to start.  It’s so exciting.

B          是的,我都等不及了。它是如此地激动人心。


A          I think the atmosphere in Beijing will be great.

A          我想北京的气氛将非常热烈。


B         I know.  What’s your favourite event in the Olympics?

B     我知道。你最喜欢的奥运会项目是什么?


A          I like the athletics events and the team sports.

A     我喜欢田径项目和团体项目。


B         I love all the swimming events.  I must try and get tickets.

B          我喜欢所有的游泳项目。我一定要设法弄到票。


Notes                                       注释


1        Remember how you can talk about your sense of anticipation about something in the future, eg: I’m looking forward to the Olympics / I’m looking forward to the Olympics. eg: I’m looking forward to my holiday / I’m looking forward to my holiday.

记住如何谈论你对将来要发生的某事的期待心情。例如:I’m looking forward to the Olympics / 我期待着奥运会的召开。I’m looking forward to my holiday /我期待着假期的到来。

2        You can also talk about your sense of excitement or anticipation by saying I can’t wait . . . / I can’t wait . . . eg: I can’t wait for the Olympics to start / I can’t wait for the Olympics to start.

你也可以这样谈论你激动和期待的心情I can’t wait . . . / 我都等不及 . . . 例如: I can’t wait for the Olympics to start /我都等不及奥运会的召开了。

3        You talk about the different events / events in the Olympics, eg: the athletics events / the athletics events ; the swimming events / the swimming events.

你可以谈论奥运会的不同比赛events /项目。例如:the athletics events / 田径项目 ; the swimming events /游泳项目。

Key phrases and sentences


Are you looking forward to the Olympics? 

Yes, I can’t wait for them to start. 

It’s so exciting.

I think the atmosphere in Beijing

will be great.

I know.  What’s your favourite

event in the Olympics?

I like the athletics events and the

team sports.

I love all the swimming events. 

I must try and get tickets.
















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