

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年08月23日 08:46   北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  There will be thousands watching it.


  A I also like the big, dramatic events at the Olympics.

  A 我也喜欢奥运会上的大型的、壮观的比赛项目。

  B So do I. I love the marathon. It’s one of the biggest events. It’s a classic race.

  B 我也是。我喜欢马拉松。这是大型项目之一。很古典的比赛项目。

  A It’s such a tough race! Forty kilometres is a long way.

  A 它是如此艰苦的比赛!40公里可是一个很长的路程。

  B I know. I hope it isn’t too hot when they run the marathon. It’s better when the weather is cooler.

  B 我知道。我希望举行马拉松比赛时天气不要太热。天气凉爽一些会更好。

  A I agree. And the race goes all through the streets of Beijing. There will be thousands watching it throughout the city.

  A 我赞成。马拉松比赛将穿过北京的街道。到时候全城将有数千人观看。


  1.There are various words you can use to describe something like the Olympics, or events such as the marathon, eg: The Olympics are exciting / The Olympics are exciting. eg: The marathon is a tough race / The marathon is a tough race.

  有很多的词汇可以用来描述像奥运会这样的事件,或者像马拉松这样的比赛项目。例如:The Olympics are exciting /奥运比赛将激动人心。The marathon is a tough race /马拉松是一项艰苦的比赛。

  2.Remember the ways in which you can describe weather conditions: I hope it isn’t too hot / I hope it isn’t too hot; It’s better when it’s cooler / It’s better when it’s cooler.

  记住描述天气的用语:I hope it isn’t too hot / 我希望天气别太炎热。It’s better when it’s cooler /天气凉爽会好一些。

Key phrases and sentences


I also like the big, dramatic events at the Olympics.

So do I.  I love the marathon.  It’s one of

the biggest events.  It’s a classic race.

It’s such a tough race! 

Forty kilometres is a long way.

I know.  I hope it isn’t too hot when they

run the marathon. 

It’s better when the weather is cooler.

I agree.  And the race goes all through

the streets of Beijing. 

There will be thousands watching it

throughout the city.









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