2007年09月24日 10:43 信息时报
Don't ask Mortimer what kind of rose he's growing. It's a thorny question with him because he doesn't know the answer. A thorny question (literally, a question with thorns) is one that causes trouble, is controversial or sensitive. "I think what you are telling me is that a thorny question is a question that causes many problems," Mortimer said. 西洋妙语:那家伙的棘手问题(图) 千万别问莫蒂默他正在养的是什么花。对他来说这是个棘手的问题,因为他根本不知道答案。棘手的问题(照字面来理解,长刺的问题)具有争议性或者很敏感,或会引起麻烦。莫蒂默说:“我认为你跟我说的是个非常棘手的问题,它会带来不少麻烦。”
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