

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年10月16日 10:02   钱江晚报


  Ali Jasim, a chemical engineer and resident of the central Baghdad neighborhood of Karada, feels a twinge of panic whenever he sees convoys of sport utility vehicles passing. "Every time I see them I feel nervous," says Jasim. "Their fingers are always on the trigger."

  Western security details, often deployed in such cars, are a common sight in Jasim's district, which is home to prominent political figures as well as many Western organizations employing private guard forces. SUV convoys speed through the area regularly, bristling with weapons wielded by muscled security contractors. Anyone veering too close to the convoys risks being shot. And yesterday one such convoy moving through Karada left two women dead in yet in another incident certain to deepen hostility toward security guards who, in the eyes of many Iraqis, have taken on the dangerous unpredictability of gangsters.

  Iraqi authorities say the two women were killed in Karada Tuesday when gunmen for the security firm Unity Resources Group shot into their car as it neared a convoy. The company acknowledged the incident and said it was working with Iraqi authorities to investigate what happened. But to many Iraqis the grim scene was simply a repetition of increasingly common Baghdad shootings involving Western security firms. The episodes often seem to play out the same way: A car of civilians accidentally gets too close to a security convoy, prompting a firestorm of bullets that leaves behind pierced cars draped with bloody bodies.

  So far there is no word on demands for compensation for Marou Awanis and Geneva Jalal, the two victims Tuesday in Karada. But many in Karada would simply like to see the security companies off the streets of Iraq entirely, regardless of whether any money is paid. "I don't like them and I never will," says Ra'ad Hassan Yousef, another Karada resident. "They are a bunch of mercenaries hired to do the dirty work the Army will not do. The Americans should use their own troops and their own convoys." Yousef added, "Certainly I would like to see them leaving the country."





  到目前为止还没有关于星期二卡拉达两位遇难者玛洛·阿瓦尼斯和婕妮瓦 ·贾拉尔赔偿要求的消息。但是,很多在卡拉达的人只想看到保安公司全部从伊拉克的街道上消失,不管是否赔钱。另一个卡拉达的居民拉阿德·哈桑 ·尤塞夫说:“我不喜欢他们,永远也不会喜欢。他们是一帮雇佣军, 受人雇佣来干军队不愿干的脏活的。美国人应该用他们自己的部队和他们自己的车队。”尤塞夫接着说:“当然我愿意看到他们离开我们的国家。”

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