2007年10月29日 10:37 信息时报
The word cahoots seems strange here for it's from a French word that means "a cabin". "But what does the idiom mean?" the devil asked as he studied the goats in his garden. For his information - and for ours - in cahoots (with the devil) means to be working in partnership with someone to secretly do mischievous (有害的) or naughty things. 西洋妙语:魔鬼与山羊的秘密交易(图) cahoots这个词在这里看来有点奇怪,因为它来自法语,本意是“小屋”。正在花园里研究山羊的魔鬼问道:“那么这个俚语是什么意思呢?”他的问题的答案(当然也是我们的)就是,in cahoots (with the devil)的意思是暗中与某人合作,干些有害或者是不妥当的事。 (编者注:关于魔鬼和山羊有个童话故事,故事的结局是所有山羊都长着魔鬼般的眼睛;而魔鬼呢,也挺喜欢变成山羊的模样。)
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