
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年10月30日 10:08   沪江英语

  You need:

  1 short, sharp knife

  1 dessert spoon

  1 teaspoon

  1 candle or tea-light

  Plenty of newspaper to protect work surface

  Large bowl for pumpkin seeds and flesh

  Step One:

  Cut a circularhole around the stalk.

  Tilt the point of the knife into the centre of the pumpkin.

  This will stop the lid from falling in.


  Step Two: Scoop out the seeds and any loose flesh using the dessert spoon and the knife if needed.


  Step Three: Sketchthe face onto your pumpkin. Use a biroso any mistakes can be scrubbed off with a scouring pad or fingernail

  Step Four: Carefully cut out the features. Take small cuts and use a puncturing motion rather than a slicing one.

  Step Five: Gently scrape away the flesh on the inside of the face until it is only 1cm thick.


  Step Six: Using the knife, mark a circle the size of your candle or tea-light in the centre of the base.

  Step Seven: Carefully hollow out the marked area with the teaspoon.

  Step Eight: Place your candle in the hollow, light it and replace the lid of your jack-o'-lantern.

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