
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年10月30日 10:18   沪江英语

  Each year millions of Americans dress up and seek candy and other treats. Young adults spend an average of $34 on their costumes, according to the National Retail Federation. So what will this year's top picks be? Here's what the retailers think.



  Every girl wants to be a princess, right? Well Halloween is one good excuse to dress up as one. Princesses are the top costumes for little girls with more than 10 percent of them choosing to be a little bit of royalty.

  As those little girls grow older, it seems like they no longer want to be a princess. No, instead they often choose to be witches — witches who just happen to have revealing outfits. Witches are the top adult costume, accounting for 17 percent of the market, according to the retail federation. 

  Rounding out the adult list are vampires. Why doesn't anybody want to be a good guy anymore?

  Arrrr. Pirates are always a favorite custom for adults and expected to be again this year. About 4 percent of adults go nautical with their outfits.


  Back to the kids and apparently some little boys still want to be superheroes. Spiderman is once again expected to be a big seller for the youth market this year.


  But some kids want to rebel and that's where the pirate outfit comes in. Too bad they will grow out of these costumes and will have to buy new ones as adults.


  But Halloween isn't just for humans. Many people decide to dress up their pets for the holiday. Apparently the pets must be up to no good because the owners overwhelmingly choose devil outfits — the top choice making up 12 percent of the pet market.

  Close behind the devil outfits are pumpkins, cornering more than 9 percent of the pet-costume business.

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