
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月08日 09:38   都市快报

  6th Oct. 2007 the awarding ceremony of 2007 Happiest Cities of (Mainland) China was held in Hangzhou and 10 cities won the title with different way of exhibition and explanation of happiness. They are Hangzhou, Zhuhai, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhongshan, Taizhou, Qingdao, Ningbo, Chengdu and Shenyang.

  One thousand people will have one thousand definitions of happiness. Each city has its own happiness axis. How do you judge which city is happier than another?

  In April 2007, initiated by a weekly magazine of Xinhua News Agency "Liaowang Dongfang", together with China City Development Committee of China Mayors Association , Happiness Project Committee of China Populations & Welfares Fund , China Social & Economy Survey Office, the election of the happiest cities were launched nationwide.

  According to the relative data issued by National Statistic Bureau and relevant executive reports by individual municipal government, 35 entries were selected from 269 cities.

  The organization committee then prepared a detailed survey covering all aspects like life pace, human kindness, money-making opportunities, living convenience, beauty of architectures, natural environment, cultural entertainment, public security, development in recently years etc. Citizens of these 35 cities were invited to score the city they live.

  The survey lasted for two months in August and September. Total 2.76 millions of valid surveys were collected and the website was visited by a 30 million audience.

  As a matter of fact, Hangzhou has always regarded as a happy city. From 2004 to 2006 Hangzhou was listed Top 1 happiest city in the survey of China's happiest city by Liaowang Dongfang Weekly, Xinhua News Agency.

  "Entering the city, I will be embraced by sincerity, friendliness, and beauty. People of all ages care for each other and help each other. They care for the tiny piece of grass in this city. They care for its environment as they care for their own home…" Ms. Wang Xiaotang, a famed actress remarked when she disclosed the award to Hangzhou.

  The awarding comment goes like this: Hangzhou the Paradise, is a sincere compliment to this beautiful city. The elegance of hills and water, the combination of classical and contemporary beauty, together make Hangzhou a quality city that conveys the touching happiness every day.

  Mr. Cai Qi, mayor of Hangzhou received the award on behalf of 6.66 million citizens. He said, "Hangzhou has been awarded for many titles, but only two of them are very special, one is winner of the Habitat Scroll of Honored Award by the UN, the other is winner of the Happiest City Award."

  "This is because all that the party committee and the municipal government are doing, as well as the final settlement for all the development, is for the sake of the people."

  What is happiness? Mayor Cai Qi defined it as the feeling of the citizens who live in this city on how stable and happy they live and work, the harmony and the increasing quality of the life.

  To pursuit for the people's happiness, should become the theme of a city development and an eternal them for the government. Hangzhou today is building up a life quality city to cover both downtown and the suburb for everyone to enjoy. This is the best definition of contemporary Hangzhounese in pursuit of the future life.

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