2007年11月12日 08:07 北京市民讲外语活动组委会
What did you think of the Forbidden City? 你觉得故宫怎么样? A What did you think of the Forbidden City? A 你觉得故宫怎么样? B I thought it was wonderful, but there were too many people, too many tourists. B 我觉得她真是太棒了,但是就是人太多了,到处都是游客。 A Yes, it can be very busy at this time of year. A 是呀,每年的这个时候都很有可能是人山人海的。 B It was too busy and too crowded for me. I want to go back when it is quieter. B 那里太忙碌和拥挤了。我想等游客比较少时再去看看。 如果你想强调某件事物,你可以用 too / 太 (在形容词前),如: There were too many people / 那里人太多了。
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