
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月12日 10:32   信息时报


  Love at first sight just sex and ego

  Their eyes met across a crowded room. The party chatter ebbed away, and the music slowed. That first lovers' glaze is the staple of the romantic novelist, and scientists believe they have now revealed the true nature of its true attractive power.

  According to new research, romance has very little do to with it. That "look" is all about sex and ego.

  "It does seem to be a sort of narcissistic thing. People are attracted to people who are attracted to them," said Ben Jones in the Face Research Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen.

  "It's really a very basic effect that we are all, at some level at least, aware of - which is that if you smile at people and you maintain eye contact, it makes you more attractive."

  The team put together four different sets of digital images - women looking happy, women looking disgusted, men looking happy and men looking disgusted. In each case, the scientists made up pairs of images which were identical except that in one the person was looking directly at the camera and in the other their gaze was averted. Volunteers then rated the relative attractiveness of the images in each pair.

  The team found that a direct stare is attractive only if the person giving it looks as if they like you. This preference was even higher if the face in the picture was of the opposite sex.





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