职场双语:白领着装 颜色是门大学问http://www.sina.com.cn
2007年11月21日 11:52 《新快报》
You are what you wear! Colors and their signals 着装, 你的第一名片!不同颜色传递的信号 "Keeping your clothes well-pressed will keep you from looking hard-pressed." "衣服穿得精神,你才显得从容。" Black suggests authority and seriousness. It is a dignified choice that announces your presence, but can be intimidating if overused. 黑色象征权威与肃穆。选择它作为自己的代表色,威严又不失品位,但是如果运用过度,则可能让人生畏。 Pastels are soothing colors, and promote friendliness while discouraging aggression. 彩色是柔和的颜色,有助于增进友谊、减少攻击性。 White symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and sophistication. It works well as a shirt. Women can pull it off as a suit, but men steer clear! 白色象征纯洁、清澈和成熟,作为衬衫的颜色很不错。女性可以选择其作为套装颜色,而男性则应与其划清界线! Grey offers you a dignified and conservative authority. If it's too light, you could seem passive or weak. 灰色让你显得威严、庄重、有权威。如果颜色过淡, 则可能让你看起来被动、软弱。 Navy Blue clothing demands respect. It also conveys a feeling of loyalty, integrity, and dependability. 深蓝服装容易赢得尊重,同时也传达着忠实、诚信和可靠。 Brown symbolizes reliability, and tends to make people feel comfortable. However, it can suggest a lack of authority. 褐色象征可靠,让人感觉舒适。然而,它同时也意味着缺乏权威性。
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