2007年11月28日 11:05 河南报业网-大河报
Fifteen wild turkeys strutted into a suburban hamlet of N.Y.on Thanksgiving Day and then left just in time to avoid dinner. 感恩节当天,15只野火鸡“大摇大摆地”闯进美国纽约市郊的一个村庄,之后又“及时地”在晚饭前撤离该地。 The turkeys showed up Thursday morning,drawing crowds of spectators,but left—marching in single file —at about 1 p.m. 这群火鸡于上周四早上出现在当地,吸引了众多居民围观,但到了下午一点钟左右,它们又排着队离开了此地。 Suffolk County police were called because the turkeys created a traffic hazard while crossing a road. But the officers didn't have to intervene because the birds kept walking —and hadn't been seen or heard from since,residents said Friday. 据萨弗克县居民上周五介绍,这群火鸡过马路时一度引发交通混乱,但由于它们一直在前进,之后也未见踪影,所以闻讯赶来的警察没有采取任何干预措施。 Resident Joyce Logan said there was no practical joke involved and the turkeys may have wandered into the Long Island neighborhood about 40 miles east of Manhattan from a nearby wooded area,where she had been hearing gobbles since summer. 当地居民乔伊丝·洛根说,这绝对不是恶作剧,这些火鸡可能从附近的一个树林一直“溜达”到了位于曼哈顿以东约40英里的长岛。洛根说,从今年夏天开始,她就经常听见从附近的树林里传出火鸡“咕咕”叫的声音。 Logan said the birds walked away in a straight line between her house and her neighbor's,and she went back inside to prepare a store-bought turkey dinner for her family. 洛根说,火鸡们排成整齐的一队,从她家和邻居家之间走过,离开了小镇;之后,洛根又回去为全家准备火鸡大餐,不过火鸡是从商店里买的。 Unlike some neighbors,Logan said,she never had thoughts of catching one of the turkeys in her yard and turning it into dinner. 洛根说,她与一些邻居的想法不同,她从没想过要从院子里抓一只火鸡,把它变成盘中餐。 “I can't eat something that I've met,”she said. 她说:“我不能把我见过的东西吃掉。” (昂立新概念外语学校 洪阿岚)
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