
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月28日 11:13   河南报业网-大河报

  A ranking of the world's top 20 most intriguing billionaire heiresses by Website Forbes.com was published recently.


  The women on the list are ranked according to their father's or mother's most recent networth on either Forbes' World's Billionaires list,the Forbes 400 list of the Richest Americans,or Forbes Asia's 40 Richest Indians.


  In top spot on the list is Vanisha Mittal Bhatia of India,who sits on the board of Mittal Steel,owned by her father Lakshmi Mittal,estimated by Forbes to be worth $51 billion.


  Coming in at No.2 is Delphine Arnault Gancia of France,daughter of Bernard Arnault who runs the Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) luxury goods empire.


  Third is Marta Ortega Perez,youngest child of Spain's richest resident Amancio Ortega,chairman of Inditex,owner of the Zara clothing chain.


  Georgina Bloomberg,daughter of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg--majority owner of Bloomberg LP financial news and data company--comes in at No.4.


  Samantha Kluge takes No.5. She is the daughter of communications mogul John Kluge,estimated to be worth $9.5 billion.


  Josie Ho Chiu Yi,daughter of Stanley Ho,Macao's casino mogul,stands at the eighth. She is an actress and singer.

  中国澳门博彩业巨头何鸿之女何超仪也榜上有名,名列第八。何超仪是一名演员兼歌手。 (郑州联大外国语学校 李玉婷)

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