
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月03日 11:32   沪江英语

  1 .上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

  2 .龙须沟 Longxu Ditch

  3 .样板戏 model opera

  4 .地雷战 The Mine Warfare

  5 .贵妃醉酒 Drunkened Concubine

  6 .霸王别姬 Farewell to My Concubine

  7 .荒山泪 Tears of Huangshan

  8 .群英会 Gathering of Heroes

  9 .借东风 East Wind

  10 .将相和 General and Premier Make Up

  11 .杨门女将 Women General of Yang Family

  12 .凤阳花鼓 Flower Drum Dance

  13 .大海啊,故乡 Home in the Sea

  14 .我的中国心 My Chinese Heart

  15 .军港之夜 Night at the Naval Port

  16 .冬天里的一把火 Winter Fire

  17 .十面埋伏(古曲) Ambushfrom All Sides

  18 .天仙配 Goddess Marriage

  19 .牡丹亭 Peony Pavilion

  20 .春江花月夜 Moon and Flower in the Spring River

  21 .琵琶记 The Story of Pipa

  22 .醒世恒言 Lasting Words to Awaken the World

  23 .

梁祝(小提琴协奏曲) Butterfly Love

  24 .警世通言 Ordinary Words to Warn the World

  25 .喻世明言 Clear Words to Illustrate the World

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