
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月06日 10:53   都市快报

Christophe and his little teammate

Christophe: I'm coming!

  Talking about sword play, you may think of the noble fencing you see on TV or the sports you see on Olympic Games and Asian Games. You may think that sword play is quite far away from our daily life.

  However it was not until my interview with Mr. Jin Dayong, person-in-charge of Hangzhou Yitian Fencing Club did I realize that even though it is always classified as an aristocratic sport, people living in Hangzhou now have the chance to participate it.

  Mr. Jin introduced that there are over 100 members so far in Yitian Fencing Club from 12 to 50 years old. Before Yitian closed for renovation, members of different ages would come here every day to practice fencing techniques, participate games and seek for consultations from professionals.

  Among all the members, a French fencer called Christophe was always very eye-catching. With a title of knight,

  Christophe has won several awards in youth fencing competition in France and also got No. 9 in amateur group in China's fencing competition. Every time when he shows up there would be more members coming to the sword play hall.

  As an athletic sport, fencing helps to speed up human response and enhance body correspondence and flexibility. It also helps to loose weight, which attracts a lot of female members.

  At present, fencing is obviously not as popular as other sports, like badminton, ping pong and yoga, as it is restricted by the premises and facilities (such as sword, mask and protective clothings.) What's more, not many people know about this sport. Mr. Jin Dayong recalled that he used to get phone calls enquiring if they are real estate developer as the pronunciation of sword play in Mandarin is the same as construction.

  About 6 months ago, Yitian Fencing club closed for moving site and renovation. Now the new club is to open on the 4th floor in North Tower of Hangzhou Huanglong Sports Center. If you are interested please go there and enjoy fencing.

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