
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月12日 16:52   英语周报大学版


  2007-2008 学年 第16期


  - Wow, you can smell all that? You have a gift.

  - This is Emile, my brother. He’s easily impressed.

  - So you can smell ingredients?

  So what?

  - This is my dad. He’s never impressed. He also happens to be the leader of our clan.

  - So, what’s wrong with having highly developed senses?

  - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t eat that!

  - What’s going on here?

  - Turns out that funny smell was rat poison.

  - Suddenly, dad didn’t think my talent was useless.

  - I was feeling pretty good about my gift, until dad gave me a job.

  - Clean.

  - Clean.

  - That’s right. Poison checker.

  - Cleanerific. Cleanerino.

  - Close to godliness.

  - Which means clean. You know, cleanliness is close to... Never mind. Move on.

  - Well, it made my dad proud.

  - Now, don’t you feel better, Remy? You’ve helped a noble cause.

  - Noble? We’re thieves, dad!

  - And what we’re stealing is, let’s face it, garbage.

  - It isn’t stealing if no one wants it.

  - If no one wants it, why are we stealing it?

  - Let’s just say we have different points of view.

  - This much I knew:

  If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff.

  - But to my dad...

  Food is fuel.

  - You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die.

  - Now shut up and eat your garbage.

  - Look, if we’re going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poisoned?

  - First of all, we are not thieves.


  - 哇!这些你都闻得出来?你有天赋耶!

  - 他是我哥哥埃米尔,他很容易引人注目。

  - 好吧!你闻得出食材那又怎样?

  - 他是我爸,他一向不喜欢引人注目,刚好他也是我们族群的领袖。

  - 有非常发达的感官有什么不对吗?

  - 吁,吁,吁!你别吃那个啊!

  - 怎么回事?

  - 原来那奇怪的气味是老鼠药。

  - 突然间,我爸不再认为我的天赋没有用了。

  - 直到我爸派给我一个工作,我才觉得有这样的天赋挺不错的。

  - 安全。

  - 安全。

  - 没错, 毒药检查员。

  - 非常安全。非常安全。

  - 近乎纯净。

  - 意思是安全。你知道干净近乎于……¬算了。下一位。

  - 这让我爸感到骄傲。

  - 雷米,你是不是觉得光荣呢? 你在从事一项高尚的事业。

  - 高尚? 我们是小偷耶,爸!

  - 而且我们偷的是, 老实说吧, 是垃圾。

  - 没有人要的东西就不算偷。

  - 既然没人要,那我们又为什么要去偷呢?

  - 那好吧,就说我们意见不同好了。

  - 至少我知道一点:


  - 可是对我爸来说……


  - 你对油箱里的燃料都这么挑剔的话,引擎就会挂掉。

  - 好了闭嘴,吃你的垃圾。

  - 瞧,既然我们要当小偷,为什么不偷厨房里的好东西呢?那里没有有毒的食物。

  - 第一点,我们不是什么小偷。

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