
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月13日 13:53   英语周报大学版

  Lara & Eric, school plays

  2007-2008 学年 第17期


  J: Hello, welcome to American Cafe! I’m Jody!

  Y: 各位好,欢迎到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。

  J:Hey, Yang Chen, don’t forget to keep next weekend free.

  Y: 噢, 对,下个周末我们要去看音乐剧。因为Eric要在里面扮演一个角色。说起Eric来,我觉得他可是够忙碌的,又要上学,又要参加学校剧团的演出。

  J: He is a very busy 14-year old. But you know, all kids sooner or later are in a school play.

  Y: 是吗,所有的孩子都有机会参加演出啊?

  J: Oh sure. And today we’ll hear from Eric and his mom Lara about what it means to be in a school play.

  Y: 好啊。那我们就先来认识Eric的妈妈Lara 。

  实录1: Lara: It’s, I think fairly common, almost every junior high school and high school in the country has some sort of play or dramatic opportunity that kids can participate in.

  Y: 原来我以为只有那些将来想进演艺界的小孩才会参加这种演出呢。

  J: Oh no, no, no. Everyone tries out for school plays!

  Y: “Try out” 就是参加audition,I mean 参加“演员挑选”。

  J: That’s right. Everyone tries out. The nerdy students try out, the artsy students try out and just the plain ol’ average students try out. Again here is Lara.

  实录2: Lara: Everyone tries out. Anyone who’s interested can try out. The more nerdy kids, if you will, the artsy kids, and just plain ol’ average kids. Anyone can try out.

  Y: 哎, Jody,你来给大家描述一下,如果说一个人很nerdy,那该是什么样子呢?

  J: OK. A nerd is anyone who studies too much, never gets into any trouble and carries around lots of pens and pencils. That is a nerdy student.

  Y: Nerdy kids 一般来说都是书呆子。 那么artsy呢?

  J: Artsy, very creative, artistic students. But no matter if you are nerdy or artsy , being in a play makes you busy.

  Y: 没错,特别是对一个14岁的孩子来说。那他有那么多时间吗?

  J: Well, Yang Chen, that is the negative side of being in a school play — it can really drain a student’s time.

  实录3: Lara: The negatives are... it’s a very large drain on a kid’s time. For an individual play it’s several weeks of practice—maybe six weeks of practice.

  Y: 要花 6 个星期的时间来排练。 那这样会不会影响他的学习成绩呢?

  J: Well, it probably does influence a student’s grades. But I also think it’s well worth it.

  Y: Jody, 你的意思是说参加演出比取得好成绩还要重要吗?

  J: Well, it could be. Acting in a play is a wonderful opportunity to develop such things as public speaking abilities, confidence.

  实录4: Lara: Well, the pros are that it’s a wonderful opportunity for kids to develop public speaking ability and confidence. That’s a definite plus — building a positive self-image.


  J: Eric performed in the Music Man.

  实录5: Eric: My name is Eric. And... I was in a play called the Music Man. It’s about this man named Harold Hill and he’s a con artist. A con artist is someone who tricks people into giving them money. And so Harold is selling boys bands.

  Y: Con artist, 就是诈骗犯的意思。

  J: In the Music Man boys bands means a marching band with lots of instruments!

  Y: Marching band,该怎么解释呢?

  J: I’ve got an idea. Bring in the band!

  [Enter music here.]

  Y:哎,我想Eric一定演的是Music Man里面的男主角大骗子Harold Hill,对不对?

  J: Well ... not exactly.

  实录6: Eric: I was Man #2. I was a non-important character who said three lines and had one musical solo line.

  Y: 不过不要紧,我相信Eric下次一定能演主角。

  J: Oh, sure! He is very talented. And to a parent it doesn’t matter if you’re the lead role or Man #2.

  实录7: Lara: It doesn’t matter if they’re in the big part or they’re just Man #2; every parent who sees their child on stage feels enormously proud.

  J: Lara does sound like a proud parent, doesn’t she?

  Y: 没错。

  J: That’s all for American Cafe. Thanks for joining us and see you next time.

  Y: 谢谢大家收听美语咖啡屋。我们下次节目再见。


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