2007年12月19日 13:58 竞报
12月17日,加沙城一辆遇袭汽车起火燃烧。巴勒斯坦伊斯兰圣战组织(杰哈德)发言人哈立德·巴塔什当日说,以色列当天晚间对加沙实施空袭,造成包括1名高级指挥官在内的2名杰哈德武装人员死亡,另有7人受伤。 A car burns after it was hit in an Israeli missile strike, in Gaza City, Monday, Dec. 17, 2007. An Israeli aircraft hit a car filled with explo-sives in Gaza City after nightfall Monday, setting off a huge blast heard around the city and killing two militants from Islamic Jihad and criti-cally wounding a third.
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