2007年12月20日 11:19 河南报业网-大河报
In 2006,gift-minded world leaders made sure that US President George W.Bush could listen to all of Mozart while smoking a cigar and reflecting on Gandhi's “Seven Social Sins”,according to a US State Department list revealed recently. 美国国务院近日公布了2006年白宫的“收礼清单”。布什总统收到的来自各国领导人的礼物可谓五花八门,有雪茄、《莫扎特音乐全集》和甘地的《社会七宗罪》等。布什总统可以一边叼着雪茄、听着莫扎特的音乐,一边领会甘地的大作了。 AnIndian lawmaker,Nirmal Deshpande,gave the US president perhaps the least expensive present of his time in office:Theyellow linen scroll with Gandhi's warnings,with an estimated worth of seven dollars. 印度立法委员娜玛拉·迪什潘德送给布什总统的那本甘地的著作《社会七宗罪》可能是这份白宫“礼单”中最便宜的礼物,这本牛皮纸质的书估计仅值7美元! Attheother end of the spectrum,Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra gave Bush an 11,000-dollar Cartier Santos Dumont watch in April 2006. 而布什总统收到的最昂贵的礼物则是泰国前总理他信去年4月送给他的一块价值1.1万美元的卡迪亚·山度士·杜蒙特表。 TheSaudi king Abdullah gave Cheney the most expensive present on the list,which is required to make public under US law --a55,000-dollar,18-karatwhite gold,ruby and diamond jewelry set. 沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉送给副总统切尼的一套18克拉的白金、红宝石和钻石首饰是“收礼清单”中最名贵的礼物,按照美国法律规定,这套价值5.5万美元的礼品得上交政府。 Asiscommon practice,Bush did not keep most of the gifts --except for Gandhi's autobiography and a book about him,both from Nirmal Deshpande --butpassed most along to the US National Archives or other US government offices. 按照惯例,布什总统将大多数礼物都上交给了美国国家档案馆及其他政府机关,自己只留了娜玛拉·迪什潘德送给他的两本书——一本是甘地自传,另一本也是关于甘地的书。
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