
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月21日 11:17   环球时报

  Sudoku is a number-placed puzzle. Its objective is to fill a 9×9 grid so that each column, each row and each of the nine 3×3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contains the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid. When you insert a new number it should be unique in that particular region and also in that particular column and row. 数独是一种填数游戏。它的目标是在一个九宫格中填上数字,使九宫格的每一行和每一列,以及九宫格中的九个3×3的小方框(又称“块”或“区”)里都包含数字1到9。出题人会给出一个已填充部分数字的九宫格。待填入的新数字应在每一个区,以及每一列和每一行中都是唯一的。

  The modern number puzzle was introduced into Japan in 1984. The word "sudoku" derives from Japanese, meaning "The numbers must occur only once". Sudoku appeared in British newspaper in 2004. It has gained popularity around the world. 1984年,日本引进了现代数字游戏。“数独”一词源于日语,意思是“数字只能出现一次”。2004年,英国的报纸刊登了数独游戏。目前它已风靡全球。

  The attraction of sudoku is that the rules are simple, yet the line of reasoning required to solve the puzzle may be complex. The level of difficulty can be selected. Sudoku is available from published sources and can be custom-made using software. 数独的魅力在于,它的规则简单,但是为解谜所要进行的推理可能会很复杂。数独的难度是可以选择的。人们既可以在各种出版物中见到数独游戏,也可以定制用软件编写的数独游戏。

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