
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月24日 13:57   信息时报

  After Larry’s wife found the woman’s underwear in their bedroom, Larry decided to make a clean breast of it and tell his wife about the affair. Make a clean breast of it. A judge might be more are more lenient towards a criminal who make a clean breast of their crime. Makes a clean breast of their crime.

  To “make a clean breast” of something means to confess a secret fully. People once considered the breast to be the place where private feelings and secrets reside.

  得知妻子已经在卧室里发现了另一个女人的内衣,拉里就决定全部招供,向妻子供认了自己和那个女人的事。另一方面,如果一个罪犯能够顺利地交待自己的罪行,法官可能会对他越来越宽大。因此,用make a clean breast这个短语时,指的就是全盘承认某件秘密的事。在过去,人们认为胸脯是私人感情和秘密藏身的地方。

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