
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月08日 10:15   钱江晚报


  George Bush is likely to have a better year than Wilson (he is remarkably fit for a 61-year-old), but a worse one than most other presidents.

  Mr Bush has little going for him in 2008. Only one in three Americans thinks that he is doing a good job. Almost all of his closest political advisers have decamped. Congress is determined to get its revenge and block anything that he sends it. And in reality he has much less than a year to play with. Congress leaves for its summer break in August (thereafter it will do little but pass appropriations bills). If the Republican Party chooses a champion in the next couple of months, he will to some extent cede the leadership of his party; if it fails to choose a champion, as many people are now speculating, the country will be agog at the prospect of a party convention at which the nomination is still up for grabs. Mr Bush's last chance to command the national spotlight may come as soon as the state-of-the-union address on January 28th.

  And, with his power ebbing, he faces a mountain of problems at home and abroad. The economy is softening. A wave of foreclosures is damping consumer spending and spreading anger. The fires of populism are burning ever more brightly. There are widespread calls for a stimulus package to revive the economy.

  More than most presidents, Mr Bush is also a hostage to foreign events over which he has little control. The current implosion in Pakistan is just one more reminder of the instability of the greater Middle East






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