
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月08日 10:17   钱江晚报

  What's that nice smell For drinkers and diners in France on Wednesday, the answer was fresh air. France reinvented itself with a new ban on smoking in cafes, restaurants and night spots, the most drastic measure yet to curb the habit in a country where cigarettes were long a potent lifestyle symbol.

  Some diehard smokers blamed health-obsessed Americans for starting the trend. But others were delighted by being able to sip or serve a strong espresso without finishing the day with clothes smelling of second-hand smoke.

  "It's a new art of living," Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot insisted on a visit to a cafe.

  With the ban, France joined the ranks of European countries and more than two dozen U.S. states that have enacted anti-smoking restrictions. In 1994, California became the first U.S. state to ban smoking in restaurants and bars.

  In France, a New Year's Day reprieve allowed revelers their last legal drags in public places before the law took effect, the latest measure in a progressive crackdown that began 15 years ago.







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