双语环球新闻:油价触百 绿色翻身

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月08日 10:19   钱江晚报

  High petroleum prices might hit your wallet hard, but $100-a-barrel oil has some environmentalists quietly celebrating. The more expensive oil gets, the more attractive alternative — and climate-friendly — fuels become. Biofuels that would be buried by $17-a-barrel crude — the price as recently as November 2001 — are suddenly competitive when oil is in the triple digits. Ultra-efficient cars, public transit, plug-in hybrids — they all become better investments as oil gets and stays expensive. Global greenhouse gas emissions have skyrocketed over the past few decades on the back of relatively cheap oil, but as the price rises, it pays to decarbonize, and the climate will benefit.

双语环球新闻:油价触百 绿色翻身


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